2022 OSCE – UNODA Scholarship for Peace and Security: Training on Arms Control and Disarmament

2022 OSCE – UNODA Scholarship for Peace and Security: Training on Arms Control and Disarmament

2022 OSCE – UNODA Scholarship for Peace and Security: Training on Arms Control and Disarmament

The OSCE and UNODA host the fifth edition of the annual Scholarship for Peace and Security. This comprehensive training programme focuses on “Conflict prevention and resolution through arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation”.

Working towards a more inclusive and gender balanced approach to peace and security, the training programme aims to engage young professionals in conflict prevention and bring a new perspective to arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation solutions. It contributes to create equal opportunities by strengthening particularly the participation of women in policy-making, planning and implementation processes in this field.

The programme consists of an 8-week online component starting on 23 May 2022 and a week in-person training course in Vienna, Austria, envisaged for Autumn 2022.

A total of 150 online scholarships are available to nationals of OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation aged between 22 and 32 years, who hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Out of these, 50 successful female participants will be offered a place at the in-person training in Vienna.
