Young Talent Programme at Lagos Business School, Nigeria 2022/2023

Young Talent Programme at Lagos Business School, Nigeria 2022/2023

Young Talent Programme at Lagos Business School, Nigeria 2022/2023

From July 22 – 23, Lagos Business School (LBS) will host the sixth edition of its Young Talents’ Programme (YTP), which will engage the country’s brightest graduates. YTP is designed to mentor young leaders in a world-class institution and enrol qualified candidates into the LBS Management Scholarship Academy, a two-year career development programme that will prepare them for doctoral degrees.

The scholarship-based programme includes career, leadership, and entrepreneurship seminars, action learning projects, mentorship sessions led by LBS faculty and networking sessions with industry experts and YTP alumni.

LBS will share its culture and values during YTP, and participants will be able to explore how they can make an immediate impact at LBS, Nigeria, and the world.

The youths are the next generation of leaders, and therefore they need access to information that will transform their lives and communities. This programme provides a critical mass of exceptionally talented individuals with hands-on experience at a world-class institution.
